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  2. Accreditation & Training

Understanding Awards, Courses and Classes

In the Accreditation Module on Engagifii, you have the capability to award credits to your members, which can be counted towards a desired Award or Certification. This feature works similarly to college, where students embark on a course of study to ultimately earn their degree. In this case, your members can accumulate credits by successfully completing various classes within the courses. 

The flexibility provided by Engagifii allows you to define specific criteria for credit accumulation, ensuring that your members meet the necessary requirements to reach their award. By setting up these criteria, you can tailor the credit system to reflect the unique standards and objectives of your organization. 

With Engagifii's Accreditation Module, you can seamlessly track, manage and report on the progress of your members as they work towards their desired Award or Certification. This not only simplifies the administrative tasks associated with accreditation but also provides a transparent system for recognizing the achievements of your members.