What are roles and how are they different in Engagifii?
Your users are all in Engagifii and now you need to customize their experience to match what they will need in their day-to-day tasks. To do that, you’ll need to set up roles and permissions for them.
What is a Role?
Roles allow you to define and control how your system is accessed and used. Think of a role as a position on a team. In baseball, you have the pitcher, catcher and outfielder, for example. Each has a specific place on the field, function to perform and a different skill set. It’s the same for your organization: Directors, Assistants, Liaisons, Lobbyists, and so on. With that in mind, create as many roles as you like, naming them after the function they have on your team.
Plan Your Roles
Engagifii provides common default roles for you. Add as many roles as needed to accommodate different types of users and their access needs. You will want to give some thought to the roles you will have in your Engagifii system and what types of actions people assigned these roles will need to do. While there is not a limit to the number of roles you can create, keep in mind that you will be assigning roles to each individual users. Grouping users as broadly as possible will keep long term management of roles simpler.
What are Permissions?
Permissions are what the player does on the team (throws the ball, catches the ball, tags the runner, etc.). In your organization, some people will need to instruct members in classes, send reports, create events, etc. So, after you build a role, scroll through the list of permissions and toggle on any that apply to that person’s function within the organization. Each role is segmented by system module, such as People, Accreditation, Legislation, and Events. Read through the different permissions carefully and assign as needed.