Quickly discover and see previous introductions of a Maryland bill without having to search for them
It is relatively common for a bill to be introduced, not go anywhere, then be reintroduced in a later session. Somewhat similar to a crossfile, the original bill is related to, without being the same as, the current bill. We call this Previous Introductions.
Until now, Engagifii required you to have prior sessions enabled to see bills from those sessions. And unlike crossfiles, the relationship between bills was not apparent.
As of this release, Engagifii automatically relates and links bills from this session with it's prior introductions without having to have the earlier session enabled.
With this enhancement, any analysis or notes you made on the previous bill are at your fingertips without having to hunt through prior sessions or reports.
This feature is for Maryland only at this time
A new column has been made available on the All State Bills and Tracked Bills List pages. If you don't see it, open the Wrench in the top right and expose the column.
Previous Session Bill Numbers (linked and unlinked) are also now available in the Legislative Report field picker: