Public Officials

Public Officials How to find and view your Public Officials within the Engagifii System Sarah Anderson

Now that you're in Engagifii and the Legislative Session has begun, you want to take a look at the Public Officials list for your state. What's great is not only can you see the political profile for the person, but you can see the bills they've sponsored and their voting history; neat, right?

First and foremost, you'll want to get to the Public Officials list - easy peasy! In the left hand menu, you'll want to click on the Legislation Tracking option. This will pop out a menu below, where you'll see Public Officials listed. Go ahead and click on that. 

We've now arrived at the Public Officials list! On this list page, you'll get a snapshot view of all public officials within your state. Say you're looking for a particular representative, but all you need to know is the district they're in - once you find their name in the list, you'll see that District is listed, and without having to click into the profile! 

There's lots of other items that you can see on this list page as well, such as their City of Residence, any committees they are in and their political party. What's also great is you can filter out just the people you need by clicking on the filter icon in the upper right hand corner and choose what you want displayed. 

You've found the legislator you needed, but you need to find out what bills they sponsored or their voting history. Everything is easily organized once you're on the political profile page for that representative. All you need to do is click on the name of the person and it will bring you there!

Once inside the profile, you'll first see the Political Profile. This is going to show you the basic information for that representative, such as their biography, office and district addresses and their contact details. 

You also have other tabs at the top which will help you get a well rounded view of this particular person. If you click on the Committees tab, you'll be able to see all of the committees they're apart of. 

In the two next tabs (Bills Sponsored and Voting History), you get an in-depth view of what bills this representative has been a part of and how they have voted in the past! 

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