New Release - April 2020 Matt Polovich
Our team has been hard at work (from home) over the past few weeks to ensure that Engagifii continues to improve for our users. We've squashed bugs, added features, and improved performance throughout the platform despite this global pandemic.
Now is the perfect time to get back in and see our new things in Engagifii. Legislatures across the country will (hopefully) reconvene soon, so make sure to check out our new Knowledge Base articles for a quick refresher on how to use Engagifii. As always, you can reach out to our Support team through our chat tool to ask questions or simply say "Hi!"
Now without further ado... check out our new stuff!

All State Bills
The system will now remember which bill list you were viewing on the All States Bill page when you close out of the Bill Detail Page you previously selected.

Tracked Bills Listing Page
The system will now remember which bill list you were viewing on the Tracked Bills page when you close out of the Bill Detail Page you previously selected
Bill Details
New Staff analysis and comments activity will display an indicator on the bill detail page

To check recent activity indicator update users need not to logout of the system.
Activity indicator numbers will change when you read comments on a bill(when you visit details page of that bill)
Activity indicator numbers will change when you read staff analysis on a bill(when you visit staff analysis tab of that bill)
Public Officials
You can now set visibility on the notes you write on Public Officials
Each user can set visibility of their notes to Public, Tenant, or Private

User can also edit the visibility by clicking on visibility icon of the notes
Committee Calendar
We fixed a bug that caused the committee calendar page height to be funky
Resolved an issue with Committee Meetings not getting refreshed if you navigated from one day to the next
New views on the Weekly, Monthly tabs to simplify navigation

Legislative Reports
We fixed some bugs with the Legislative Report that will ensure that your report formatting won’t get lost when navigating between the different steps of the Report Builder.
That's it for this week - let us know what you think!
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