How to create a legislative report Create automatically updated legislative reports! Matt Polovich
So, you are ready to share legislative information with your key stakeholders. Let's get the word out by creating a legislative report.
Follow along with the video:
Or, follow the step-by-step below:
Step 1: Click Legislation in the left menu
Step 2: Click Legislative Reports
Step 3: Click Add Report and select Create New in the dropdown.
Step 4: Fill out the Report Title to name your report.
Step 5: Select your report criteria by selecting a field and its corresponding values. The criteria will automatically add any bill that meets the criteria to your report. Once you have selected your criteria, click the Apply button.
Step 6: You may select multiple criteria using the and/or logic or combine multiple sets of criteria to pare down the list of bills that will display on the legislative report.
Step 7: When you have finished your selections, click the Next button.
Step 8: Select the fields from the bill detail that you want to display on the legislative report. You can multi-select and use the arrows or simply drag the fields over to the "Selected Fields" column.
Step 9: When you have selected all the fields you want to display, click the Next button.
Step 10: Format your report. You may use the HTML editor to add a header and footer as well as style the text. Any style changes applied to the merge fields will apply to all bills on the legislative report.
Step 11: Once your report is formatted, click the Next button.
Step 12: You may make live updates to the report by clicking into the editor and writing additional text.
Step 13: When you have finished additional edits, click the Next button.
Step 14: Review your report and when you are satisfied you can send it via email by clicking the Share button.
Step 15: Type in a person name, organization name, tag name, or role name to search the Built-In CRM to find the records that correspond with your search.
Step 16: Select the recipients you want to receive the report. Selected recipients will be added to the To: field in the email.
Step 17: To share the Legislative Report with the selected recipients, click the Share button.
Whew - you're done!
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