Events, Awards, Courses, Classes and Sessions

What are all the components of an Event?

Do you offer events that not only offer educational sessions but also include engaging networking activities like Keynote Breakfasts, Private Dinners, or even Golf Outings? With Engagifii, you can create an event that acts as a container for both credit-earning classes and non-credit earning sessions. This makes it convenient for your members to register and select the parts they'd like to attend, all through a single registration link.  Whether your members attend your events to earn credit for an award certification,  participate in classes or sessions, Engagifii allows you to easily manage these activities.

Creating an event on Engagifii is a straightforward process. Once you've set up the event, you can add classes, courses, and sessions, and link them to the event. This streamlines the registration process for your members, making it easy for them to sign up for the sessions they're interested in.

One of the key advantages of Engagifii is the ability to customize event bundles and pricing rules. You can create custom bundles based on classes/courses, custom pricing or other criteria, allowing you to offer unique options to your members. This flexibility ensures that your events meet the diverse needs of your audience and provides a valuable experience for everyone involved.

Engagifii simplifies event management, making it a powerful tool for organizations looking to provide valuable opportunities for their members. With its intuitive interface and customizable features, Engagifii enables seamless event planning and registration, ensuring your events are a success.