Engagifii is launched! Here's a glance at what it can do. January 10, 2020 - CRM and Legislation are live Ben Laughter

Welcome to Engagifii! We're so excited to be partnering with you as Engagifii is launched into the wide, frantic world just as legislative sessions are starting. Over the past two decades, the team at Crescerance has gained the experience to understand what you need to be successful in tracking and collaborating around legislation. Lots of new stuff is on the way, and you'll see new release notes of this kind from time to time as we build new stuff and continue to improve on what you've got today.
Today, I want to share with you a list of some of the things Engagifii can do today. As you use Engagifii and want new capabilities, please send us a chat. We'll add it to the to-do list. We're obsessive about the product's development following your lead. We probably won't be able to build everything you want, but we absolutely want to know what it is you do want. If lots of folks want it too, then that tells us we need to get cracking. So, be vocal.
Tell us what you love, what you don't, and what you want to see.
So what can Engagifii do? Here are some highlights.
Built-in CRM (Contacts Database)
Contact records: Keep all your staff, members, and non-members organized
Organization records: Associate contacts to organizations, complete with Departments and Positions
Google Maps integration: Never mistype a zip code again. Just start typing the business name or address and we'll serve the rest up. Go try it! You'll love it.
Invite new users fast: Hire a new staff member? Sign up a new member? Invite them in less than a minute.
Search, filter, and organize your contacts: Search by name, filter by role, Sort by Organization name... whatever! See your data the way you want to.
Create and assign tags on the fly: Want to tag one person as a "Decision Maker" and another as a "Dog Person"? Do it! You can create custom tags or select from a list of existing tags on just about any kind of record.
Permissions control: If you're an administrator, you can create as many roles as you need and control at a very granular level what people can see and what they can do.
Send an email: Want to send an email to a person or a group of people? No problem. Click the paper airplane button and send it off without having to copy/paste any email addresses. One less minute in Outlook, am I right!?
A lot more...
Legislative Bill Tracking
All 50 states + Federal: We're tapped into all state legislatures as well as the Feds. So, we can pull bills in from your state automatically. As fast as they can throw it, we can catch it and display it to you.
Get the full text in a single click: Download a full-text PDF in one click for any bill.
Lots of ways to search: Search by bill number, bill title, text, sponsor, committee, introduction date, last activity, current status, and more. Let's face it, as the session moves along, you'll have thousands of bills in your face. We've made it so easy to find that one needle in the haystack.
Custom Tracking Levels: What's your level of urgency on this bill? Is it Hot or just something you want to Monitor? Is it a 3 out of 5? Customize your tracking levels to match your terminology and needs.
Custom Bill Positions: Support and Oppose are obvious choices. But if you want a third option like, say Neutral or Undecided, then it takes seconds for an Administrator to update the options. Coupled with Tracking Levels, your positions will communicate in a glance how you're feeling about this bill.
Tag a bill: Want to tag all the Education bills or Ethics bills as such? Just like with People, you can tag bills on the fly.
Assign bills to users: If Bob's the guy who's going to write the analysis for that bill, then assign it to Bob! He'll see it in his tracked bills list and be able to work on it.
Legislative Reports: Stop writing and rewriting and rewriting your reports. Use Engagifii to automatically pull bills based on their criteria, set up your opening and closing text, then send the email to everyone you want. It takes few minutes max!
Collaborate: Start conversational threads with staff and members right within a tracked bill. Agree and disagree with votes, comment, upload attachments, highlight text, express support or opposition. Get creative!
And so much more...
What are we working on next? I'm glad you asked!
Documents Management:
We're turning our attention back to the CRM (Contacts database). You'll be able to upload documents and cross-reference them throughout the system. That's going to be a free add-on for everyone!
New Module alert! We're working on an all new Events management module that will be available Spring-ish. This is going to allow you to create robust events (like conferences), fully integrated with the CRM. More to come on that soon!