Creating and Viewing Email Templates

Email Templates

The "View and Manage Email Templates" feature provides a centralized, efficient way to handle email templates within Engagifii. Users with the appropriate permissions can access the "Manage Templates" page under the Communication section, where they can view a comprehensive list of templates with details such as name, creator, last modified date, and usage history. Templates are easily searchable, filterable, and sortable, ensuring quick access to the right content.

With this feature, users can create, edit, duplicate, delete, or send messages using templates directly from the platform. The Template Detail Page includes rich text editing with a CK Editor and quick actions for managing or applying templates. In the email composer, selecting a template automatically pre-fills the subject and body, streamlining email creation. By enhancing template management, this functionality simplifies communication workflows and improves productivity.

Follow the below step by step guide on how to create and view email templates.

Click here to download a printable PDF.