Available Report Fields Descriptions of the fields available for use in Legislative Reporting Laura Vautour
Related Video:
Alternate Title
The alternate title that has been added to a tracked bill (if present).
Alternate Title is added and edited on the Bill Detail page, where you view a bill.
Assigned To
The list of users currently assigned to the bill under Bill Assignments.
Tip: If you do not assign bills to users, do not use this field.
Bill Link
A hyperlink to the bill’s detail page in Engagifii.
Only users in your Engagifii platform will have the ability to open this link.
Tip: If your intended audience includes people who do not log into Engagifii, consider using the full text link field or Bill Title with embedded state site URL field.
Bill Number
The type and number of the bill (i.e. HB0011).
Bill Number (with embedded Full Text URL)
The type and number of the bill that displays as a clickable hyperlink.
When clicked, the link downloads a pdf of the full text version of the bill to the user’s downloads folder.
Tip: Use this field when sharing this report with people who do not use your Engagifii platform.
Bill Number (with embedded State Site URL)
The type and number of the bill that displays as a clickable hyperlink to your state’s legislation site bill detail page (if available for your state).
Bill Number (with embedded URL)
The type and number of the bill that displays as a clickable hyperlink to the bill detail page in Engagifii.
Only users in your Engagifii platform can open this link.
Bill Position
The position assigned to the bill when analysis was added to the bill.
Bill Title
The full title of the bill in plain text.
Bill Title (with embedded State Site URL)
The title of the bill that displays as a clickable hyperlink to your state’s legislation site bill detail page (if available for your state).
Bill Title (with embedded URL)
The title of the bill that displays as a clickable hyperlink to the bill detail page in Engagifii.
Tip: Only users in your Engagifii platform can open this link.
Cross Files
The bill number of cross filed bills associated with the bills selected in the criteria.
Cross Files (with embedded State Site URL)
The bill number(s) of the cross filed bills associated with the bills selected in the criteria that displays as a clickable hyperlink to your state’s legislation site bill detail page (if available).
Cross Files (with embedded URL)
The bill number(s) of cross filed bills associated with the bills selected in the criteria that displays as a clickable hyperlink to the bill detailpage in Engagifii.
Tip: Only users in your Engagifii platform can open this link.
Full Text (embedded URL)
A line of text that reads “Full Text” that displays as a hyperlink that downloads a pdf of the full text of the bill to the user’s downloads folder.
Full Text (Icon)
A clickable icon that downloads a pdf of the full text of the bill to the user’s downloads folder.
Full Text URL
A direct link to the full text of the bill.
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
Some states may also have the following fields available for reporting:
House First Reading
House Second Reading
House Third Reading
House Committee
The name of the House Committee to which the bill is currently assigned.
Introduced Date
The date that the bill was introduced (mm/dd/yyyy).
Last Action
The date of the last action and the last action of the bill (date displayed as mmm dd, yyyy).
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
Some states may also have the following fields available for reporting:
Senate First Reading
Senate Second Reading
Senate Third Reading
Progression Level
The Progression Level assigned to the bill (if assigned).
Progression Level can be set and edited from the Bill Detail page.
Senate Committee
The name of the Senate Committee to which the bill is currently assigned.
The name of the session in which the bill was introduced.
The name(s) of the legislators that sponsored the bill.
Staff Analysis
The most recent Staff Analysis added to the bill on the Bill Detail page.
Staff Analysis by Organization
The most recent Staff Analysis for each organization for which a bill is tracked. Staff Analysis by organization is added on the Bill Detail page and assigned to an organization by editing the visibility of the analysis.
Tip: Use this field if you have a need to track the same bill(s) for multiple organizations, i.e. lobbying firms often use this option.
The current status of the bill.
A list of all tags currently applied to the bill.
Tracking Levels
The name of the tracking level currently applied to the bill.
Tracking Levels by Organization
The assigned tracking level for the bill for each organization for which the bill is being tracked.
Tip: Use this field if you have a need to track the same bill(s) for multiple organizations, i.e. lobbying firms often use this option.
Updated 2/18/2021
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