8/12/2021 - Updates and Enhancements Relationships and Revenue Laura Vautour
It was a very busy couple of weeks for our development team, and we've brought a lot of new features and updates to the platform as we continue to strive to bring the features and functions you want and need to your Engagifii.
New Features
1. We're laying the groundwork behind the scenes so we can include parent organizations as part of people lists and filters. The Parent Organization column will be available when:
Viewing All People List
Viewing People in Group
Viewing Courses Participants List
Viewing Class Participants List for Registration and Credit Requests
Viewing Endorsement Participants List
Viewing Event Participants List

If you have Parent Organizations in YOUR Engagifii world and would like to have this new column available for you today, reach out to us in the chat bubble and let us know, we'll get it turned on for you now. And you can always email us at success@engagifii.com.
2. I wish that people tags displayed in the All People List were displayed in alphabetical order.
Yes! We thought so too, and now they display in alphabetical order.

3. Now when you search the All People List for a certain name, email address, phone number, the search criteria you used will NOT stay active in the search box.
4. You will notice big performance improvement when searching the All People list.
1. Updates were applied to the Complete Your Profile popup so that all information is visible and selectable to complete your profile and load time performance was optimized.
2. Updates were applied to the Person Detail Page to enhance performance around display of a person's role and selection of roles.
3. Updates were applied to the All Requests page for consistent size and display of information.
4. We've added a permission to hide the document tab on Class, Course, and Endorsement pages.
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