7/28/2021 - Updates and Enhancements Legislation Updates Laura Vautour
New Features
1. When you open or close the comments/notes area on bills and public officials, the comments area will remain open, or closed, as you move on to look at other bills or officials.

2. Optimized and tuned the main left menu load time, decreasing total load time by 50%.
3. The font on the tabs on Bill Detail and Public Official Detail Pages now appears as bold text when the tab is selected/displayed.
Enhancements and updates were applied to continue to optimize the user interface and experience including better scrolling on state selection in Configuration & Settings and correct tool tip display on Public Official details pages.
California Specific Updates
(Just like straws and emissions, California does stuff their own way.)
Some idiosyncrasies with how the state of California shares legislation information made it necessary for us to add a few new things for just the Californians.
1. New “Summary Digest” and “Today’s Law as Amended” tabs have been added to the Bill detail page.
Summary Digest tab:

NOTE: By default, the original Summary tab that you are used to seeing is turned off. You can always turn it back on by going to:
Configuration & Settings > Legislation > Bill Details tab
Then turn on the Summary tab with the toggle switch.
Today's Law as Amended tab:

2. The icon to download full text has been changed since in CA it did not download a PDF, but actually downloads an HTML file as supplied by the state.
Stay tuned on this one. There is discussion that a simple download icon might be a better choice. For now, this is what you will see (icon enlarged so you can see what the heck it looks like):