08/26/2021 - Updates and Enhancements Relationships and Accreditation Laura Vautour
New Features
1. Rename the Relationships Module in Left Menu
Would you like to customize the module name on the left menu so it says something OTHER than Relationships? Maybe Members, Staff and Groups, or Puppies and Kittens? Whatever you want that link to read, you can now customize that clickable menu link to have whatever words make the most sense for your organization.

Click here for step-by-step directions to make this change
2. We don't even HAVE instructors, why does the instructor thing show at the top of people's profiles?
Now you can turn that off if you don't use or have instructors in Engagifii.
Click here for step-by-step direction to make this change
3. We want to be able to add Positions and Departments without having to leave the profile we' are adding, is this possible?
You can now! No more leaving a profile to add new positions and departments.
Click here for step-by-step direction to make this change
4. It would be super helpful if I could click on a tag on a person profile and see the other people who are assigned that same tag.
Yes! We thought so too, and now you can click on tags to see others with the same tag in the People Lists and Detail views (like person details).

5. It would be helpful if tags on a person profile were in alphabetical order.
Let it be written, let it be so, this makes sense, so here you go.

6. Need to limit who can CREATE new person tags, while still allowing others to USE the people tags?
Instead of just one permission that allows a role to create and use people tags, we have created two (2) separate permissions that allow you to control things more closely. Here is a picture of the text of new permissions:

Add New Person Tags - allows users assigned a particular role to add and remove people tags that are available for use on people records by other users.
Give this permission to administrators (or other users, your call) that are charged with creating people tags and making sure that tags are not getting out of hand with duplicates, misspellings and other confusing things.Associate/remove tags from person profile - allows users assigned a particular role to add and remove people tags from a person's profile.
Give this permission to any user who may need to add a tag to a person's profile. Remember to also give this permission to administrators if they will be tagging person profiles.
Click here for the quick steps to add a permission to a role
Click here to read the whole story about Roles and Permissions
7. Wouldn't it be helpful if you could see all the GROUPS that a person was a part of right in their profile record?
Right?! It is there now, and it looks like this:

On a side note, see those "drop down arrows" in the red boxes to the right in the picture above? Did you know that when clicked, those expand and collapse the different sections on the profile page. Just wanted to share in case you didn't know.
1. Updated the staff list page to display the last login date for that person.
2. We continue to tweak and make changes to optimize performance across all Engagifii customers workspaces.
1. Making the screen size smaller was causing issues, we fixed it.
2. Start and end date issues for multi date classes are working nicely now.
3. New check was added to be sure that a registration end date is not AFTER the class end date.
4. Removed the repetitive "Does Not Repeat" option for a multi class option, after all, that just means its a single day.
5. New check was added to be sure that the end time of a class is actually AFTER the start time of the class. Time travel is scheduled in a future release.
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