05/20/2022 Release Notes

Deleting Stuff!

  • Deleting objects:
    • Class
      • Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to delete classes with no participants
    • Course
      • Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to delete a course if none of the underlying classes have registered participants
    • Award
      • Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to delete awards so long as there are no registrants to the award
    • Event
      • Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to delete events that have no registrants
      • If the Event is associated with a Class, the mapping between the two will be broken upon deletion
    • Venue
      • Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to delete a venue regardless of whether it is associated with a registrable object such as a class or event. The deleted venue is also removed from the venue list and all classes/events where it was added.
    • Room (within a venue)
      • Users with the appropriate permissions will be able to delete a room from any particular venue. The deleted room is also removed from the room list associated with the venue to which it was attached