02/21/2021 - Updates and Enhancements Laura Vautour
We are well into Legislative Session season across many states. We've been listening intently and working hard to bring the new features and enhancements to Engagifii that you need and want.
Released Week 2/21/2021
New Features:
Added Pdf download and ability to add logo across all reports

Added option to export reports to pdf from emails

Added Cross-file information, available in the bill header as clickable link and for use in reports

Optimized generation of legislation reports when staff analysis is included
=Today() function allows inclusion of today’s date in spreadsheet reports

Permission fixed for staff analysis emails; only those with staff analysis permission will receive any email related to staff analysis.
Saved Search -- changed the word Watchers to Subscribers

Committee calendar - senate meetings header in blue; house meetings header in red

Committee Search adjusted
Fixed “track bills” permission – only those with track/untrack bills permission will be able to track or untack bills
New Features:
Additional data displayed on All Transactions list that can be used in filtering and sorting

Option to configure the starting number of transactions

Report section and aged trial balance report added, can export report data to Excel

Permission-driven visibility of transaction activity
Update look and feel of invoice pdf

Add, update and delete payment terms, makes names intuitive

New Features:
Added ability to export list of people in a group to Excel from the Wrench tool

Department column added to people lists and filters on people lists
Permission-governed visibility for organization members
Removed [Relationships] from the header of the Instructors page
Renamed "Mark as Inactive" button to "Deactivate"
Default Payment term and In Use Payment term can be deleted
Default Payment term can now be set even if the Payment term is turned off
Fixed date format on Send invite
Ensured Apply amount value can not be more than Invoice Amount when adding a Payment
New Features:
Export available from the Wrench tool on accounting details for class, endorsement, event and event sessions
Released Week 2/28/2021
New Features:
Committee Calendar feed timing changes for the state of Alabama

Added additional functionality and precision to Full Text Search on All State Bills and Tracked Bills through new drop down options availability

Saved Search - Saved Search modifications providing accurate results
Special characters removed from bill titles if visible